Cholesterol – Natural Treatment
בואו לנופש בריאותMitzpe Alummot Health Retreat offers a unique way for normalizing cholesterol level:
High cholesterol levels in the serum increase the risk for atherosclerosis and vascular disease. A preventive measure which includes a careful daily choice of healthy nutrition, together with a meaningful life style change, may lower high levels of cholesterol, and even prevent a heart disease.
This article will explain major issues concerning cholesterol, and will present the unique alternative by which Mitzpe
Alummot Health Retreat operates – by bringing favorable results and reducing levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Mitzpe Alummot Health Retreat has great results in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Some questions and important facts regarding cholesterol:
Cholesterol is a vital component to life. Cholesterol is a vital fat molecule, which exists in the blood stream and in the red blood cell membranes, in liver cells, and in nerve cells (the brain). Cholesterol participates in important processes in the body. Therefore, its presence in the body is vital. However, in cases when its balance in the blood is disrupted, it turns into a foe.
Cholesterol is a fat molecule which regulates different functions in the body. Cholesterol is a basic ingredient in the creation of female and male sex hormones; cholesterol is a precursor of the three types of corticosteroid hormones which regulate our metabolism (water, minerals e.g. potassium and sodium, glucose, proteins and fats). In addition, cholesterol is a vital element in the formation of gall bladder salts and of Vitamin D.
Cholesterol is derived from two main sources: The primary source is our liver (about 1000 mg per day). The secondary source of cholesterol comes mainly from animal products (such as eggs, milk, meat, chicken, fish). Plant food does not contribute cholesterol (excluding cocoa butter, palm oil and coconut oil). When there is shortage of cholesterol from food (such as in a vegan diet), the body will produce the necessary amount of cholesterol in the liver. Therefore, when one consumes great amounts of cholesterol from food, one's liver will produce a smaller amount of cholesterol. Any surplus of cholesterol will form plaque on the artery walls.
Due to the fact that our body is not efficient in breaking down cholesterol surplus, it does so by excreting it gradually from the liver through the elimination system. The core of the problem lies in the fact that the liver has a limited ability to excrete cholesterol (similar to a liver of plant eating animals). Therefore, if we overload massive amounts of cholesterol rich foods and saturated fats, we compromise the delicate balance between the exogenic cholesterol levels and the endogenic cholesterol levels. This can lead to the formation of harmful layers of cholesterol on the artery walls – contrary to meat eating animals, which have a high capacity for saturated cholesterol rich foods. The more we feed them with cholesterol rich foods, the more cholesterol will be excreted by their liver.
Cholesterol is a fat molecule that is not soluble in the blood. That is why it has to be transferred from and to the cells through carriers which are called lipoproteins, composed of lipids and of proteins.
There are three main types of cholesterol:
HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)
LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)
VLDL (Very Low Lipoprotein)
General cholesterol level will be calculated according to the average of the three.
LDL is responsible for transferring cholesterol to the tissues, whereas HDL is responsible for transferring it to the liver (so that it can regulate metabolism and excretion).
The ratio between HDL and LDL types of cholesterol determines the prognosis for its breaking down or sinking down in the blood: The higher the ratio, the less chance for aggregation of blood cells.
A high level of LDL in the blood is dangerous, since it may cause the formation of plaque on the artery walls, and can reach the heart or the brain. When different substances attach themselves to LDL, we get hardened blood vessels and a thick plaque, which may lead to atherosclerosis blocking the heart muscle and resulting in a heart attack or a stroke. That is why LDL cholesterol is also called "bad cholesterol" – due to the damages it causes to the artery walls. On the other hand, HDL has won the name "the good cholesterol" due to it is ability to undergo a process of breaking down, and not leaving too many traces of excretion and accumulation.
Vegetarian Diet and Low Levels of Cholesterol
A wide survey which was published in Dr. Collin Campbell's book "The China Study" examined the effect of vegetarian diet on man's health, and he found out that during the 1970's, cholesterol levels of 200-300 mg/dcl were considered normal in the West, while in rural China, where they were mainly fed by a vegetarian diet, the normal range of cholesterol levels was between 70-170. It means that a diet which is mainly vegetarian, is ideal for lowering cholesterol – according to this research. One can see that the more animal; products there are in one's diet, the greater chance there is for developing cardiovascular disease, as well as cancer.
Cholesterol Values and Their Meanings
Lower than 300 – normal
200-300 – border line
240 and up – a very dangerous value (increases the risk for a heart disease by 5 times).
The ratio between general cholesterol level and HDL cholesterol level is the most important one.
How does one calculate the value?
Very easily: first we divide the general cholesterol value by the HDL value, which gives us the final result.
It is important to remember that when the general cholesterol level is high and the HDL level is low, there is a greater risk for as heart disease. On the other hand, low general cholesterol levels and high levels of HDL, lower the risk for heart disease. The reason for this is : when HDL level is lower than 40 or when LDL is higher than 160, there is a greater risk for heart condition.
How significant are the different levels of HDL and LDL?
1. There is a difference between the average ratio of HDL/LDL: among men (which is 3.6) or among women (3.2).
2. There is also a significance to the oxidated levels of cholesterol: the higher the oxidation level, the greater chance for accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and to the formation of plaque.
3. High levels of HDL can be caused by a liver disease. Low levels of HDL increase the risk for a heart disease.
High levels of LDL cholesterol indicate bad absorption through the guts or a poor diet.
4. The ratio between HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol will be the index by which one can know whether the cholesterol will sink or break down in the tissues
Recommended criteria for managing high cholesterol in the blood
The most important criterion for dealing successfully with high levels of cholesterol, as well as lowering the chance for cardio-vascular problems is a vegetarian diet, which is low in saturated fats and rich in fiber, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals.
Another criterion, which is significant for lowering high levels of cholesterol in the blood is, avoiding trans fats, margarine and fried foods on the one hand, and on the other hand – increasing consumption of omega 3 fatty acid (walnuts, pistachio and other nuts, flax and flax seed oil, chia seed), which is known for its anti inflammatory properties and its ability to prevent blood cell aggregation.
In addition to these criteria, we , at Mitzpe Alummot, Health Retreat, recommend the following:
– Drink wheat grass juice, which is known for its ability in aiding formation of fat breakdown.
– Adapt a special vegetarian diet which is based on raw food, juice fasts and liver cleanse, which has proven its efficiency in lowering cholesterol and blood lipids.
– In addition, one should avoid smoking and should get involved in physical activity and in therapy for the sake of balancing body, mind and spirit. Physical activity is crucial for losing weight and is important as a step in reducing cholesterol level. Furthermore, physical activity is also significant in reducing stress and tension, by leaving us free of those stress hormones (which contribute to an increase in cholesterol level).
In conclusion, Mitzpe Alummot Health Retreat gives the holistic and whole approach to dealing successfully with hypercholesterolemia and blood lipids.
You are invited to taste a natural and organic healthy life style which has been proven as efficient in the daily struggle against high cholesterol levels.