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20.8 Guest lecturer – Sara Von at a weekend workshop in Mitzpe Alumoth

Let's have a healthy vacation


In addition to our familiar and beloved content, you can enjoy two fascinating lectures on the weekend,

Excited to host Sarah Von as a guest lecturer

Sarah von Schwartz is a mother of three daughters, a chamber theater actress, a director, a lecturer at the Lecturer’s Center, a Lecturer at Talkmaster and an acting teacher.

During the weekend, in addition to the outings and activities of the professional staff, the participants will enjoy two important lectures 

What is a first impression and what our body language tells about us – Sarah through the game skills will demonstrate how our body language is formed in childhood, how our childhood experiences produce the way we stand, speak and look. With simple means, she will demonstrate before our eyes the possibilities of each of us to change the first impression he creates.

Fear of an audience and dealing with stress – before an exam, presentation or interview, as soon as you stand in front of someone or a group of people who are supposed to evaluate your abilities. Most people are prone to stress and fears. In the lecture, Sarah will explore what this fear stems from and how it is possible to turn the daunting exam into an empowering and key place. Increased sweating, rapid pulse and dry mouth are phenomena that every actor has faced, together we will find out how it is possible to grow from that feeling of fear and we will not find ourselves again hiding in the corner of the stage behind the presentation we prepared.

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