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Detox diet for type 2 diabetics

Let's have a healthy vacation

Detox diet when you have diabetes?

By: Karuna Yaron

Spring is around the corner, nature is renewing itself and detoxification workshops are flourishing.

For type 2 diabetics, we will recommend detoxification once every six months but we will limit the cleansing to a process without juice fasting.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the fact that the insulin receptors in the cell wall do not absorb insulin. It is insulin that opens the sugar channels through which sugar enters the cell from the blood. When the cell resists insulin, sugar builds up in the blood. What does the body do with the sugar in the blood? Builds triglycerides and thus accumulates both sugars and fats.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease of cell resistance to insulin and there are three theories for this resistance:

  • One theory claims that there are excess sugars.
  • A second theory claims that there are excess fats.
  • A third theory claims that there are excess toxins.

In any case, body cleansing drains excess sugars, toxins and fats out of the body. This is an extremely important process within a complete and comprehensive plan to cure type 2 diabetes. But it is important to know how to build a correct cleansing menu so that the cleansing and clearing process does not lead to a state of hypoglycemia. Also, it is recommended to monitor the blood values ​​at least twice a day – upon getting up and before going to bed.

A cleansing menu for diabetics will include:

A menu of proteins and fats without carbohydrates. This menu is called a ketogenic menu after the keto bodies, from the fat breakdown products, which are found in the blood when you multiply on this menu. In the ketogenic menu, 75% of the calories are fat, 20% protein and only 5% carbohydrate. In such a diet, the body produces glucose for intracellular energy from fat. The body lowers sugar levels, reduces body weight and reduces malignancy, since cancer cells thrive in the presence of sugar. This menu has a vegan version (Ann Wigmore) and a carnivore version (Paleo) and you can find a moderate place between them. Eat more raw and cooked vegetables, and completely avoid processed food.

As part of the menu we recommend a cooked vegetable, the best way to preserve the vitamins and minerals of the vegetables (when cooking) is through steaming, for diabetics we recommend steaming vegetables such as: fennel, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke and celery, which are considered prebiotic

Prebiotics are an important ingredient because they contribute to the growth medium for the bacteria in the intestines, and they play a major role in breaking down sugar from the diet. At the same time we will recommend the consumption of probiotic foods such as homemade sauerkraut. for your convenience,  Here is a recipe for homemade cabbage:

Probiotic sauerkraut – recipe

  • Cut into strips for a bowl.
  • For each kilo of cabbage, add a tablespoon of coarse Himalayan salt.
  • Knead the cabbage well with the salt and leave to stand on the counter for at least an hour.
  • Put in a jar and add spices – bay leaves/ coriander seeds/ caraway seeds/ allspice
  • Squeeze the cabbage in the jar so that the liquid covers the top of the cabbage
  • Close for at least a week outside the refrigerator for fermentation (dark place)
  • After a week the cabbage is ready, it can be transferred to a storage container in the refrigerator

Detoxification diet in general

Removal of toxins from the body happens all the time and with the help of different systems in the body such as: liver, kidneys and urinary system, lymph, lungs and skin. For most of us, during the day the evacuation systems work more slowly and precisely at night when we sleep the evacuation systems function more efficiently. For night shift workers, people who eat until late or in the middle of the night, people who do not sleep well and do not get into a quality sleep sequence – the evacuation systems will work slowly and with poor quality.

In combination with a busy, stressful lifestyle that includes an industrialized diet full of sugars, the body enters a state of toxic overload and the body’s elimination systems cannot cope with the load. That is why we will recommend once every few months to stop and understand how and what to incorporate into your diet and life in order to help the evacuation systems work well every day.

First tips from us: chewing correctly, finishing meals by 19:00 and starting a water fast and infusions until the morning (for diabetics this is different from one to the other), drinking water during the day and quality sleep.


Detox menu for diabetics:

Morning: a liter of green smoothie: a handful of spinach leaves, lettuce, chard, parsley, broccoli sprouts and a stick of celery + 2 apples.

Lunch: black lentil stew with zucchini + chopped Israeli salad + root salad + tahini and homemade sauerkraut.

Evening: fresh garden salad + buckwheat tortilla (easy home preparation) with almond/nut/pesto spreads  + Green vegetable soup (zucchini, broccoli, onion, cabbage).

  • You can end the day with some almonds and a fresh apple or cucumber
  • On the cleaning days, measure the sugar values ​​every evening before going to bed!