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Mitzpe Alumot’s big diabetes challenge 16-29.2!

Let's have a healthy vacation

We invite you to join us for a one-of-a-kind diabetes workshop, which will last two weeks, and will be accompanied by the medical supervision of expert doctors and our best instructors and lecturers. Together, we will learn how to balance the blood sugar level, we will purchase tools that will help maintain normal indicators at home as well and we will find out if it is really possible to live with diabetes and dramatically reduce the medications.

1 out of every 3 adults suffers from high blood sugar. Over 550,000 diabetics live in Israel alone. Assuming that the modern lifestyle isn’t going to change anytime soon, this situation isn’t going to improve and that’s exactly why we decided to hold a one-of-a-kind diabetes workshop that will change everything you knew about one of the most silent and dangerous diseases out there.

Get to know Mitzpe Alomot’s great diabetes challenge: two whole weeks under close medical supervision by expert doctors and the best lecturers and instructors, organic-vegan meals, and a variety of unique activities related to the body, mind, leisure and atmosphere. All these and other surprises have been carefully selected in order to provide you with the ideal conditions to drive such a significant process. Together we will learn to balance the sugar levels in the body, acquire knowledge and tools that will allow you to adopt the right habits for a healthy life, and as a result to significantly reduce the consumption of medicines and live in peace with the silent disease that has become an epidemic.

Balomos reduce the blood sugar level!

  • Nutrition: a special menu that is optimally adapted for diabetics and is based on organic-vegan food, without processed foods, artificial sweeteners and sugar-saturated foods.
  • Appropriate physical activity: a variety of appropriate and enjoyable physical activities that will accelerate the process of breaking down sugar. Every morning we will practice qigong and every day you will have varied physical activities such as pilates, yoga, guided walks and more.
  • Quiet, calm and peace: the feeling of detachment, the breathtaking view and the relaxed atmosphere in Mitzpe Alumo allow each and every one to connect, slow down, relax, and enjoy a maximum feeling of calmness that allows to initiate a personal and so significant process.

This is what awaits you in the workshop:

  • Special content lectures by a variety of leading lecturers and instructors to learn about diabetes on its physical and mental aspects and tools to deal with them.
  • Practical exercises and tools that will help you continue to maintain balance in the future.
  • Practicing physical activities and a variety of techniques to deal with stressful situations.
  • Medical observation.
  • Daily check of the sugar level and check as needed of additional indicators (blood pressure, pulse, weight).
  • Chi Kung, Pilates, yoga, meditation, guided walking.
  • Workshops for food combinations, food demonstrations.
  • Music performances, dances, trips to the Golan Heights and Hamat Geder and leisure activities are particularly enjoyable and experiential. 

Meet the experts!

In honor of the workshop and in order to give you the best medical and professional conditions, the workshop will be accompanied by our best lecturers and instructors who will equip you with the toolbox you need to continue the journey even on your own.

Dr. Haim Rosenthal: Dr. Rosenthal is an MD and homeopath with extensive experience in the treatment of complex diseases with homeopathy and natural healing. Dr. Rosenthal has rich experience in dealing with diabetes and conducts monthly workshops for the treatment and prevention of diabetes with us in Mitzpe Alumo.

Dr. Dina Eisen: Dr. Eisen, an expert in family medicine, lectures on health and happiness and leads groups for optimistic thinking. With her help and her unique way full of laughter and joy of life, we will learn to see the good and the positive even in the complex reality in which we live.   

Rachel Antman: Rachel leads the nutritional program for us. She is a qualified therapist using the “Ann Wigmore” method, a healthy lifestyle consultant and instructor, she hosts “Rejuvenation” workshops for cleaning the body and she will accompany you throughout the workshop and give fascinating content lectures on nutrition topics.

Eric Feld: Licensed psychologist, CEO of the “Open to Thought Center”. The leading center for Byron Katie’s “work method” since 2005.  Eric will expose us to a unique process called “Byron Katie’s working method”  for quick release from negative thoughts and disturbing thoughts that cause us insecurity, frustration, stress,  Pain and depression.

Dana Tabor: Dana Tabor deals in lectures with a narrative approach and changing thinking patterns, mindfulness and meditation. Qualified psychotherapist, family and couple therapist, imago therapist and CBT therapist, lecturer and instructor, group facilitator and practicing Buddhist psychotherapy.

For more information and registration:

You can leave details in the form at the bottom of the page and we will contact you to answer all your questions.