Natural treatment for allergies
Let's have a healthy vacationNatural treatment for allergies
The natural treatment of allergies
At Mitzpe Alumo, we offer natural treatment for problems arising from various allergies. We also offer a great environment for a time-out from allergenic substances, for a rich vegan diet combined with juice fasts that increase the detoxification process (including the allergenic substances), our weekly program gives our guests mental leisure to strengthen the immune system and take care of the body. The concept of allergy was created in 1908, and it came to express “change in reactivity”. Any change in the way the body reacts to the environment, whether it’s immunity to a disease the body has already encountered, or a sneezing attack from pollen. Another word for the concept of allergy is “sensitivity”. In the 20s of the last century, conventional medicine defined this concept as immune sensitization. In the 1960s, they discovered the immunoglobulin (IgE) E) which is an antibody created in the body to “harmless” substances. Main causes of allergic reactions: genetic predisposition, poor digestion, permeable intestines, early weaning, inflammation of the digestive system, immune system disorders, hormonal changes, frequency of exposure to allergenic foods, mental stress, consumption of alcohol together with allergenic foods, and more. The term “food intolerance” is also used. Here the reaction has not been proven to be an immune reaction, but it can be a unique, metabolic, pharmacological reaction, or toxicity to food or food additives. The allergy that interests us in particular is food allergy. From a clinical point of view, two types of food allergies are recognized: Cyclic: common form in 80-90 percent of food allergies. The sensitivity develops slowly by repeatedly eating the food. If you avoid eating the allergenic food for a period of time (usually four weeks or more) you can bring it back and tolerate it, unless you eat it again frequently. Permanent allergies: these are sensitivities that occur every time you eat food, it doesn’t matter what the time period is between eating and eating. Long-term abstinence can renew tolerance. Food allergies arise for several reasons, the main ones being: genetic predisposition, poor digestion, permeable intestines, early weaning, inflammation of the digestive system, weakness of the immune system, hormonal changes, frequency of exposure to allergenic foods, mental stress, consumption of alcohol together with allergenic foods, consumption of medications and more . Examples of gastrointestinal allergy symptoms: ulcers; chronic diarrhea; gases; Irritable bowel syndrome; poor absorption; intestinal infections; Bloating after eating. Symptoms of allergy in the immune system: frequent colds. chronic infections; frequent ear infections; Symptoms of skin allergy: atopic dermatitis; acne; eczema; hives (urticaria); itching; redness of the skin; pimples Symptoms of allergy in the respiratory system: asthma; allergic rhinitis; hay fever; chronic bronchitis; twitter; heavy and wheezing breathing; Palate or throat irritation. Musculoskeletal allergy symptoms: lower back pain; Arthritis Pain. Other allergy symptoms are various arrhythmias; edema; fainting; Headaches; hypoglycemia; itchy nose or throat; Garnets; sinusitis; bags or dark circles under the eyes. Imperfect breakdown of food (mainly proteins) causes overactivity of the immune system. These proteins may find themselves in the blood system due to intestinal permeability or due to a lack of protein-degrading enzymes or a lack of stomach acid or vitamins and minerals. A food allergy must be distinguished from a food intolerance (such as lactose or gluten). Causes of intestinal hyperpermeability: injury to the intestinal walls due to intestinal disease imbalance of the intestinal flora immaturity of the digestive system in babies poor digestion diarrhea or chronic constipation chronic use of laxatives, antacids, antibiotics, steroids, alcohol, drugs and more. Physical signs of a food allergy: Dark circles under the eyes Swelling under the eyes Horizontal wrinkles in the lower eyelid Chronic fluid retention Chronically swollen glands How are the allergy symptoms caused: Antibodies called immunoglobulins of the IgE type stick to the antigen (conjugation). The conjugation triggers a destruction reaction of additional antibodies against the antigen (conjugation) The antigen is destroyed. When there are a large number of antigens beyond the purification capacity of the immune system, damage is caused to the tissues where the antigen is located, activity of antibodies associated with mast cells is created which are responsible for the release of inflammatory substances such as histamine and leukotrienes. In this process, many cells that are attached or adjacent to the antigen are also destroyed. The most common food allergens are dairy products, wheat, eggs, chocolate, nuts, peanuts, corn, sesame, tomatoes, color additives and flavorings (such as monosodium glutamate, artificial sweeteners, etc.). Most of the flavoring and coloring substances appear in food products of poor quality, to give them a captivating and tempting appearance (sodas, sweets, jellies, ice creams, etc.). Other allergens: pollen, chlorine in closed pools, cleaning agents and chemicals, pesticides, dust and dust mites, cat hair, bee stings or beehive products and more. Most of the methods in conventional medicine to relieve allergies believe in suppressing the allergy with antihistamines, steroids and various drugs. In homeopathy and natural medicine this means suppressing the disease, which moves to deeper layers in the body. For example, when a certain skin disease is suppressed by medication, the symptoms will penetrate deeper into the body and erupt due to damage to one of the internal organs. There are different methods for diagnosing allergies, among them:
- RAST test that tests antibodies in the patient’s blood serum
- A FICA test that tests the immune complexes of food found in the blood (ie, food molecules bound to antibodies).
- A cytotoxic test that tests the effect of food on the reactivity of white blood cells.
- A skin test, in which the skin is pricked or scratched and food extracts are placed on it, and the IgE antigen is tested.
- A kinesiology test that tests muscle response to certain foods.
- Challenge test by elimination (removal) of foods. In this test, you basically try an allergen-free diet for 3-4 weeks, then carefully introduce the suspect foods, one by one. Sometimes one food per day and then one food per meal. If after re-exposure you feel a reaction to that food, remove it and move on to the next suspicious food item, and so on. The pulse is also checked before eating and about fifteen minutes after consuming the suspect food. If the heart rate increased by 9 or 10 beats more than normal, it must be assumed that that food is problematic.
It is also a good idea to keep an allergy diary in which we write down every day what we ate (the name of the item) and what the reaction was (runny nose, tingling, hives, rash, swelling, abdominal pain, constipation/diarrhea, etc.) A 4-day cyclic diet, in which you rotate (cycle) of foods every 4 days (ie eat a type of food at an interval of 4 days). For example, if a person ate wheat on Monday, he would have to wait and eat it again only on Friday, etc. It is difficult for the majority of the population to switch to a completely allergen-free diet. Even if you don’t eat wheat, or eggs, or dairy products, etc., there is a likelihood of these components being hidden in different types of food when you eat out or when you buy food from supermarkets. For example, many do not know that most types of soy sauce contain gluten, or that even the cheeses produced from tofu contain casein, which is the milk protein. One of the reasons for allergies is a weak immune system that increases the chance of allergic reactions. According to Dr. Gebelman from California (expert in environmental medicine) this happens due to a large amount of toxins in the body. Another allergy researcher named Dr. Haitov discovered that there are several factors that affect the immune system, including toxic loads due to pollution in all its forms, repeated vaccinations of babies that damage the immune system, as well as damage to the natural flora of the large intestine due to excessive use of antibiotics and cortisone. Frequent use of antibiotics leads to confusion of the immune system, until it cannot distinguish between enemy and friend, and then attacks food particles as allergens. Other causes of allergies – nutritional deficiencies, repeated use of the same type of food, chemicals in food and candida. When you do a body cleansing (as it is done in Mitzpe Aloma), the allergenic food items are removed, and then the immune system comes into action. For each person, this manifests itself in a different way (headache, nausea, weakness, etc.). How to avoid allergies: Avoid white sugar and any product that contains white sugar. The process of bleaching white sugar involves toxic chemicals. As a substitute, use something natural, maple syrup, molasses, dates, silane, etc. Avoid white flour and its products. Avoid processed foods, including frozen ready meals. Limit the amounts of salt and preservatives, color and flavor in food. If you eat meat, choose the type that is not processed, and preferably organic (without antibiotics, hormones and sprays). Thoroughly rinse the fruits and vegetables in lukewarm water with a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid. Rinse well. Know the food you consume. Check the labels, these are the names of the food additives in the packages. Eat whole foods and use only natural ingredients in cooking or preparation. One juice day a week will help cleanse the body’s systems. Avoid smoking and high alcohol consumption (despite the popular belief that drinking wine daily is good for health, it often becomes a habit and even an addiction, so you should leave drinking alcohol for special occasions). Drinking a lot of coffee, more than 2 cups per day, is not recommended. Avoid fried food. Oil heated at a high temperature is carcinogenic. You can steam the food in vegetable stock or water and add oil to the dish at the end. Limit food amounts. Incorporate physical activity such as walking, cycling, swimming into your daily routine, and try to live in an environment that gives you balance and harmony. Stop and allow yourself to enjoy the beauty around you, and be grateful for what you have. You can also support the process by taking supplements such as vitamin C, quercetin and zinc. There are also various herbs and spices that help the process such as: cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic and onion. At Mitzpe Alumot we offer a great environment for a time-out from allergenic substances, for a vegan diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts and sprouts, green leaves and more (the diet is free of allergens and does not contain wheat, dairy products or animal meat). . We combine nutrition with juice fasts that increase the detoxification process from the cells in the body and speed up the process of rebuilding them. To strengthen and support the cleansing process, it is recommended to do various massages as well as hydrocolonic (deep colonic washing). Our weekly program gives our guests peace of mind, rest, an opportunity to enrich their knowledge of nutrition, meditations, moderate physical activity, Chi-Kung, Feldenkrais, laughter therapy and a host of lectures and workshops throughout the week. Everyone must give themselves the opportunity to try the cleansing experience at the Mitzpe Alomot Health Farm. Don’t wait! Taking responsibility for our health is one of the fundamental rules in Dr. Ann Wigmore’s theory, according to which we work. Sources: The Allergy Bible, Linda Gamlin, The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. pp. 8-9 Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Dr. Michael T. Murray, Dr. Joseph A. Pizzorno, (pp. -132-149) Written by: Edna Mintz, natural nutritionist, partner in the health farm and facilitator of workshops at “Mitzpe Alumoth”, instructor in the method of Dr. Anne Wigmore, certified by “Hippocrates” institute in Florida, USA, and a graduate of the LIVING LIGHT chef school in California for gourmet food using the RAW FOOD method.