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Weekend workshop (3 nights) body cleansing ‘The rules that change lives’

Let's have a healthy vacation


Body cleansing workshop at Mitzpe Alumot Health Farm 

In all the abundance that exists, how can we find our personal ‘golden path’?

During the weekend, you will receive practical knowledge and tools that can be applied already on the way from the home health farm.

We will learn about nutrition that is adapted to each person, breaking myths about eating times, we will discover together the common denominator of all (the diets) approaches and methods in the niche of natural nutrition that we would like to adopt forever, as a way of life.


For more information and registration:

You can leave details in the form at the bottom of the page and we will contact you to answer all your questions.

Nice to meet you 🙂 I am the main facilitator of the workshop –

Rachel Antman –

The studies of natural nutrition for half of my life were another step in my personal journey to discover the powers of the body and mind.

As part of my studies, I first became aware of Dr. Panina Bar-Sela and the Torah she teaches – “Dr. Anne Wigmore’s Method”. I really connected with the basic idea of ​​the method that teaches a person to be responsible for his physical and mental health, while focusing on physical, mental and emotional balance through natural means only.

Reconnecting to the natural healing powers that exist in us, allows a place of inner listening and returns the body to a place where it knows how to take care of itself.

The most significant change for me was taking responsibility for my body. That is, there are no patents and no magic bullets. The knowledge I acquired is what gave me the power to choose and differentiate between good and bad. The change in lifestyle made me realize what potential the body has to heal and heal itself if only we give it the right conditions and how natural and correct nutrition really is used as a first-rate therapeutic tool.