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Foods are actually chemicals; a wrong combination will be followed by a chemical reaction.

Raw living food contains more enzymes, minerals, vitamins and water content.

When we cook our food in a temperature exceeding 48ºC, the enzymes die, and the amount of vitamins and minerals dwindles.

Freezing also reduces the amount of enzymes and breaks down the nutritional fiber.

Juices have the nutritional values of food without the fiber. When we drink juice, we actually ingest all of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes without the fibers. However, cutting, blending and processing of the food with knives and blenders also causes some oxidation. The ideal situation is eating everything as fresh and as whole as it is.

What is the optimal food?

Raw food, one which is not cooked, frozen or processed (enzyme rich food)

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are catalysts which aid in different activities of the body.

We have 3 kinds of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes and food enzymes.

Metabolic enzymes are involved in all metabolic activities in every living organism.

Dr Edward Howell, in his book ENZYME THERAPY claims that we are born with a certain enzyme potential. When we eat industrial, cooked, lifeless food, our enzymatic potential is dwindled. Instead of being able to aid in the healing process of our body, these metabolic enzymes convert into digestive enzymes at a heavy price. The longer we do it, the greater the damage to our body.

However, when we eat raw living foods, the food enzymes help in digestion, in elimination of toxins and in rejuvenation of our body.

The 4 Food Groups:

  1. Carbohydrates (average digestion time 3 hours) Sprouted grains (wheat, spelt, amaranth, quinoa, millet, rye, barley, oats) Legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas, sweet potatoes, corn, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, potatoes)
  2. Proteins/fats (average digestion time 4 hours) Sunflower seeds, all kinds of nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame, almonds (no peanuts or cashews because they often contain mold), avocado, coconut, oils
  3. Fruits (average digestion time 30-60 minutes)
  4. Vegetables (average digestion time 1/2-2 hours): green sprouts, green sunflower sprouts, alfalfa, clover, etc., cabbage, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, seeded vegetables (cucumbers, red pepper, zucchini, squash, pumpkin), lettuce, green leaves, asparagus, celery, Swiss chard, kale, green onion, onion, spinach, etc.

Why Food Combining

  1. Different passage times in the stomach:
    1. Water 0-10 minutes
    2. Juice 15-30 minutes
    3. Wheatgrass Juice 20-30 minutes
    4. Fruits 30-60 minutes
    5. Melon/Watermelon 30-50 minutes
    6. Sprouts 60 minutes
    7. Most vegetables 1-2 hours
    8. Grains & legumes 1-2 hours
    9. Concentrated Vegetable protein 2-3 hours
    10. Cooked Meat and fish 3-4 hours
    11. Sea food 6-8 hours
  2. Different pH
    1. pH (Potential of Hydrogen) is measured in a scale of 0-14
    2. 7 is neutral. (0 is acidic, 14 is alkaline)
    3. Foods are either acidic or alkaline, according to their pH
    4. Each digestive organ works in a different pH environment
  3. Acid/alkaline body cells
    Our blood is a chemical solution with a pH of 7.35-7.45, which means, any deviation is dangerous.Our body balances pH levels all the time by using reserves of alkalinity or acidity according to the situation (mainly performed by the kidneys). Our body pH changes according to the type of food we eat, the life style we live, activity/inactivity and stress levels.
    Let's check out the different foods according to their pH: 
    Neutral Foods: butter, cream, sunflower seeds, filtered water
    Lightly acidic: grains, legumes. Cheeses, eggs, nuts, milk
    Acidic: meat, chicken, fish, bread, white bear
    Very acidic: white sugar, white flour, margarine, Coca Cola
    Alkaline: most fruits, all vegetables, almonds, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, millet, mineral water
    Very alkaline: lemon, lettuce


In a healthy and ideal body, pH should run between 6-7.

Any food items that do not share a common border line, do not combine well.

Melon and watermelon should be eaten separately

Lemon, lime and tomatoes (acidic fruits) combine well with green non-starchy vegetables.

Lettuce and celery (green leafy vegetables) combine well with all fruits.

Nuts and seeds are rich in fats (and in protein) and combine well with acidic fruits

Eat fruits as a separate meal, and not at the end of a meal.

Proteins/starches combine well with green vegetables, but not in the same meal.

Acidic fruits don't combine well with sweet fruits. 

All fruits and vegetables (except for dried fruits) are alkaline. Vegetarians who eat raw food, will have a pH of approximately 7.45 (top level), which will improve enzyme and vitamin efficiency, and will strengthen the immune system.


Acid Fruits contain organic acids which break down in the body into alkaline matter. Lemon is acidic in taste, but it contains citric acid which turns in  the body into a strong alkaline matter.


Natural foods which incorporate fruits, veggies, legumes and grains leave the blood in its normal pH (slightly alkaline).

Processed food which includes margarine, meats, fish, white sugar and white flour increase acidity

Too much acidity accumulates in the body and causes diseases, such as : gout, arthritis, kidney stones and even cancer.


Some Rules for Food combining:

Eat alone:

  • Fruits
  • Melons (eat them alone, or leave them alone!)
  • Vegetables
  • Liquids


Bad Food Combining:

Proteins with Starches

Proteins get digested with an enzyme called Pepsin, which requires a pH of 2-3.

Starchy food gets digested with an enzyme called ptyalin (in the saliva), which requires a pH of 6.6.

Proteins with Fruits

Acid fruits with Sweet Fruits

Acid fruits also require higher acidity (lower pH) in the stomach, and therefore are not good with carbohydrates.

An incomplete digestion will lead to constipation, allergies, digestive problems, arthritis, overweight, diabetes, asthma, skin conditions, colds, headaches and tooth decay.


Fats and oils

  • Fats and oils delay the digestive process
  • Fats suppress the digestive system
  • Good combination with fats: vegetables, green and unstarchy vegetables, green leaves, lemon.


Bad food combining: Fats and starches (French fries)

Special considerations and combinations:

  • Have one type of protein or one type of starch in a meal
  • Melons should be eaten alone or left alone!
  • Watermelon should be eaten alone


Proper Food Combining:

  • Lemon., lime, tomatoes (which are acidic fruits) + green unstarchy vegetables
  • Green leaves + fruits
  • Fat rich nuts and seeds (which are fat rich proteins) + acidic fruits and green leaves.


Food and Allergy:

Bad food combining causes allergies

The foreign matters are called allergens

They could be called undigested proteins, medicines, pollen, animal dandruff, insecticides, chemicals which are added to the foods, and more.