The Diet
According to the medical writings of the Rambam (Maimonides), a person should eat only when hungry, and drink only when thirsty.
We, at Mitzpe Alummot, believe in eating organic, raw food (also called living food). This kind of a diet is an integral part of our program, and is also a very important component for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Any food which is cooked in temperatures exceeding 48°C (105°F) loses its vitality and its nutritional value. During the cooking process, the food loses 50% of its protein, 70% of its vitamins and minerals and 100% of its enzymes. It weakens the digestive system and results in poor assimilation of nutrients and production of pathogenic by products which can damage the body.
Advantages of raw (uncooked) food
- Rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals and a good source of energy and life-force.
- Rich in chlorophyll and amino acids, which rejuvenate the body cells
- Connects us with nature and ensures longevity.
- Aids in the process of food assimilation and elimination
- Helps in reducing weight and excess fat
- Promotes energy, rejuvenates the skin
- Reinforces the immune system
Our Kitchen Staff
The staff in our center consists of people, who have the expertise in preparing delicious raw food meals from natural organic products, and they are all guided by a holistic nutritionist and a chef (Certified by LIVING LIGHT -a Gourmet Raw Food Culinary Institute in California), who turn the food served into a culinary experience with abundance of flavors, colors and odors.
The Menu Includes
Salads, fruits and vegetables, sprouts, legumes and grains, juices, seed and nut cheeses, almond milk or sesame milk, crackers and tortillas, almond bread, and more.
The Wheat Grass Miracle
Wheat grass juice is important in a natural healing process.
According to Dr. Earp Thomas (an associate of Ann Wigmore), the nutritional value of 45 ml of wheat grass juice is equivalent to 1 kg. of fresh vegetables. Wheat grass juice consists of 12% water, 70% chlorophyll, 12% protein, 2% fat, 1.8% minerals and 2% crude fiber.
Wheat grass improves digestion. It is excellent for constipation and improves bowel movement. It helps fight overweight. As it detoxifies the body, it dissolves obstructions along the colon lining and speeds up metabolism rate. Wheatgrass oxygenates the brain cells and the body cells, and brings the body tissues to normal functioning. Drinking wheat grass juice elevates enzymatic activity in the body, thus helping it to rejuvenate.
The Benefits of Wheat Grass
- The chlorophyll in wheat grass purifies the body from toxins by oxygenating the tissues and strengthening the immune system.
- Chlorophyll helps in purifying the liver and the blood
- Improves blood sugar levels
- Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Can remove heavy metals from the body
- Reduces the effects of radiation
- Can heal colon cancer
- Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial
- Chlorophyll enhances red blood cell count
- Excellent for various blood disorders
- Helps fight against chronic diseases such as: cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's, asthma, etc.
- Wheatgrass cures acne
- Wheatgrass neutralizes bad odors
- Rich in beta-carotene, which acts as a scavenger against free radicals.
- Rich in enzymes: peroxidase, catalase, transhydrogenase and superoxidase dismutase
- Contains all the essential amino acids
- Removes chronic fatigue, enhances energy levels and works on mind and body.
Wheatgrass for External Use
- Disinfection of wounded areas
- Sinus cleansing
- Vaginal wash
- Ear infection
- Rheumatic pains
- Knee pains
- Gum inflammation
- Varicose veins
- Wheat grass is also good for treating diabetic neuropathy, and in fighting against the danger of gangrene (we know of people who saved their legs from amputation thanks to the wheat grass)
Wheat grass, when grown in an organic soil, its chlorophyll will absorb 92 out of the 102 minerals in the soil
Farmers in the United States, who have sterile cows and bulls, put them on wheat grass to restore fertility (thanks to the high levels of magnesium which builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones).
Additional Uses for Wheat Grass Juice
- Use for enemas and for cleansing the colon (hydrocolnic).
- Skin cleansing – the wheat grass gets absorbed through the skin and nourishes it. Pour green juice over your body in a warm bath and sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
- Tooth-ache – hold the juice in your mouth for 5 minutes – it can excrete the toxins from your gums.
- Sour throat – gargle with wheat grass juice during five minutes
- Skin problems like eczema or psoriasis – drink wheat grass juice
- Restores hair pigmentation (for grey hair) – apply to skull (not on color treated hair).
- Dissolves scars that were formed in the lungs from breathing acid gases. The effect of carbon monoxide is reduced since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.
When Is a Good Time to Drink Wheat Grass Juice?
Wheat grass juice will work better on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is better to drink it first thing in the morning, and then wait for 30 minutes until breakfast.
Alternately, one can drink wheat grass juice between meals in two- hour intervals after the meal or 30 minutes before the meal. For people who don't like the taste of wheat grass juice, one can mix with a small amount of juiced veggies, or chew on a piece of carrot or ginger while drinking the juice.
Our wheat grass, sprouts and some of our vegetables, are delivered freshly to our kitchen from our fields.
We have a Kashrut certification and a Mashgiach (Kashrut supervisor), making Mitzpe Alummot the only Kosher Raw Food Institute in the world.
Every Friday night we have a traditional Kabalat Shabbat.
See also:
The Method Our method follows the natural healing philosophy of Living Foods. Our philosophy regards the mind, the body Read more |
The Place Mitzpe Alummot is a Living Food Health Institute and Rejuvenation Center, located in Kibbutz Alummot. Read more |
The Program